Lebendige Leiche

If you didn't know yet, I'm a human, an alive one, who enjoys *hobby* and even *hobby*. Nah fr tho I'm just playing, I'm 16 years old, European (not gonna tell you where tho) and a mess!

In the extraordinarily unusual case that you want to send me your personalised diagnosis (or just chat ig) you can reach me at leichpfand (at) hotmail (dot) com but don't expect a quick reply lol I don't check it too often

If you're feeling ballsy and want to try your luck at finding me online, I have a Nina account, primarily for Yahoo Messenger because I'm too broke to donate, my id is leichpfand , obviously...

If you're feeling sad or lonely enough to want to converse with me or see what I'm currently doing (if I'm online) visit my spacehey page! ...or go to a psychiatrist, idk

I would like to thank some people for inspiring my site and my will to live. thank you for being a cool person, interesting game developeress and opening me the door to MUD2! thank you for getting me into neocities, your site is very cool though your recipes could possibly send people to the ER! lol

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